Monday 15 August 2011

Continuations and Beginnings

So a good friend of mine, Davy H (at the much recommended, kept on saying 'go on, Dr Al, start a blog, it will be brilliant'. And I kept saying, 'Nah, I don't have time and no one cares anyway'. So, here I am. Several key questions now emerge like, er, what on earth shall I write? Should my comments be personal (ie like a diary) or existential (like everyone else's blog/tweets)? Or maybe I should just make stuff up? I think I will have to make it up as I go along and we shall see where this leads us. Either way, there is only one place to start: 'yes Mr Bloodvessel!'.

1 comment:

  1. It'll never catch on. Mind, post mp3s instead of MP4as and we can listen without downloading, innit.

